Progress report for November 2018 – We have acquired a total of 27.41% overall progress percentage as of 30th of November 2018. Steel bars required for first floor and second floor were all delivered on site as well as the form-works materials such as plywood and hardwood. There were delays on some trades due to the late arrival of materials procured abroad which was initially scheduled 15 days back but we made sure that we cope by renting or purchasing locally the urgent required materials such as props and jacks, plywood and hardwood to continue shuttering and deformed bars for the reinforcement works. Additional casting for some columns in mezzanine floor were completed as well as the demolishing works of concrete wastage in mezzanine floor. The tentative casting for first floor slab is on the month of January 2019 and we planned on finishing the preparation works until end of December this year. See annex 1.0 for the gantt chart which shows the accrued percentage of each milestone for the actual construction of the project. Download Full Report
Progress report for November 2018